27 and 28 January 2011

Download the video file - nathan-w.mp4

IPv6 Transition Technologies

Nathan Ward - Consultant, Braintrust


Whether we like it or not, we're going to be stuck with IPv6 transition technologies.  Nathan will present a summary of all transition technologies currently out there, and the operational experience gained with them thus far.  The beginnings of an internet draft explaining how best to implement them in an ISP will be covered. 


Nathan Ward is a consultant with Braintrust - a networking and systems consultancy and services company with a current focus on IPv6. He has worked in the NZ Internet and IT industry for a number of years, working for several NZ ISPs, one NZ telco by proxy, and one NZ network security box vendor. He has also done some time with a couple of small ISPs and VoIP providers in Africa.  He is active in the IPv6 community speaking at conferences and meetings in various parts of the world, and has been using IPv6 in anger for 6 or so years.   

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