NZ Access Grid Webcast

Welcome  !!

This is a highly experimental (ie flakey) set of webpages to provide and demonstrate an Access Grid session in action. If it bombs - sorry.

How it works.....

An Access Grid node uses 2 or 3 video projectors on a wall to allow participants to see and hear each other. In this demonstration, we've taken the signal from the projector feeds, via scan converters and converted them into video webcast streams. So in fact what you are experiencing is a dual webcast - at the same time. To make it look like an Access Grid, we've wrapped the two streams (we may actually try for 3, but lets see how this goes) in a web page with embedded media players. So, providing we got all the cabling right, what you see in the web page will be identical to what we are seeing on our Access Grid node wall.

There are some timing issues. The streams are not synchronised, so you may get some weirdness in the video - this will mainly be where the 2 streams butt up with each other and when we have a window spanning the two streams. Sorry. So that things aren't complete garbage, only one stream has audio in it. So you can see just how bad this can be, we have it linked to a TV stream at present, while we patch everything together. But for most Grid sessions, this will be a useful tool if you just want to watch.

Things to note.....

1. You may be warned that ActiveX  is trying to do something to your browser. The embedded player is an activeX player

2. If the screen parts are different sizes, right click on each part for the controls, then stop and start each stream. This fixes things.

3. If you set one stream full screen - you won't see the other one(s). (unless of course you have multiple screens on your PC - must try this)

4. Currently we haven't figured out how to make the "screen size" anything different. Suggestions, tips, re-writes, very welcome

5. This thing eats bandwidth. But hey, its lighter than a Grid node. Remember theres 2 or 3 streams running here. So the 384kbps page is running 2 or 3 times that (ie up to 1Mbps ). Don't know how the "dial up" page will work. Feedback appreciated.

384kbps Access Grid Page

128kbps Access Grid Page

56kbps Access Grid Page

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