This CD-ROM contains an MPEG-1 movie of the Reality Check Production, beyond reasonable doubt staged at St Christopher's Church, Tawa on 9, 10, 11 April 2001.

Click here to watch the movie. If you encounter difficulties, use Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder, and look on the CD-ROM for the file doubt.mpg. This movie is viewable in Windows Media PlayerApple Quicktime or Real Player.

For viewers with Internet access, a version of this CD-ROm will be available on-line with the movie in different formats and different connection speeds. This is located at http://WWW.R2.CO.NZ/20010310. You may click on the movie on line, or use cut and paste to past the URL into Media Player, Apple Quicktime or Real Player.

Different versions and formats of this movie are available on the internet web site. These are,
Connection Speed
Real Media
ASF format
600Kbps doubt600.mpg doubt600.rm doubt600.asf
384Kbps doubt384.mpg doubt384.rm doubt384.asf
128Kbps doubt128.mpg doubt128.rm doubt128.asf
56Kbps n/a doubt56.rm doubt56.asf
28.8Kbps n/a doubt28.rm doubt28.asf

If you are pasting the locations into your media viewer, the full address is


for the MPEG 600Kbps file.

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